Sunway Student Leaders Alumni Unite!

Leadership qualities are shaped in students during their university years through involvement in Student Leadership Bodies (SLBs), leaving a lasting impact that continues long after they graduate. We see the significance of this influence in the ways our alumni contribute positively to society.

With that in mind, we organised our first-ever reunion with leaders in our key SLBs, aptly named "Sunway Student Leaders Alumni Unite!" This special event brought together past committee members for a time of reconnection, gratitude, and empowerment for the future.



The SLBs represented at the reunion included Sunway College and Sunway University Student Councils (SCC & SUSC), Sunway Student Ambassadors (SSA), Sunway Student Volunteers (SSV), ECHO Media, Sunway Career Peer Advisors (CPA), Sunway Peer Counselling Volunteers (PCV), Sunway Sports Council, and Sunway Global Friends Community (SGFC).

The reunion provided a unique opportunity for these leaders to reconnect not only with their former advisors but also with peers from different cohorts. It was a time for sharing memories and bonding over the challenges and triumphs they experienced during their tenure as leaders on campus.



The event featured an inspiring speech by Ms. Lee Siok Ping, Chief of Student LIFE & Services, who encouraged the alumni to carry the spirit of volunteering and leadership into their professional lives and beyond.



There were two key highlights of the event. One was the panel session where Steven, former SSV President; Evelyn, former SSA President; and Justin, current SUSC President, shared their personal leadership journeys. They spoke about their most memorable experiences, the challenges they faced, and what motivated them to lead despite their demanding schedules. Their stories resonated deeply with the audience, inspiring many to continue embodying the values of leadership and service in all areas of their lives.




The next highlight was the breakout discussion where alumni had the opportunity to meet with their own SLBs. As the participants were from different cohorts and roles, each one brought a different perspective to the session. They brainstormed ideas of how they could bring their alumni together and organise events which encapsulated the purpose of their group.





We believe this reunion rekindled the passion for volunteering among our alumni and reaffirmed their commitment to being exemplary leaders in their workplaces, families, and communities. We look forward to seeing them continue to shine as leaders, carrying forward the spirit of service and leadership wherever they go. 

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