Celebrating A Family Legacy

1 June 2024
Yong Meng Keet & Jenn Poon Wei Ling

Often times we hear stories from our parents or guardians about the world they lived in, where they grew up, what they studied, and the people around them. Their journey would leave us with bright eyes and jaws open, curious about what it would be like to trace their footsteps from many years ago or how did a packet of nasi lemak cost only 30 cents.

On the other hand, we may not even see eye-to-eye. We wonder why we are urged to eat our vegetables, greet our elders, or to go to bed early. Sooner or later, we will find that everything comes from our parents’ experiences, providing us with different opportunities and lessons to ensure a better life. 

To celebrate Global Parents’ Day on 1 June 2024, we hear directly from a Sunway family: Meng Keet and Jenn, parents who studied, met, and fell in love at Sunway College, and their son, Justin, who is a current student at Sunway University, creating a legacy.


Meng Keet & Jenn

As Western Michigan University graduates who went through the twinning programme via Sunway College, we had hopes from Justin’s birth that he would one day follow our path to become a Bronco. Since our parents did not give us much choice regarding our own degrees, we decided that we would be supportive parents and allow our child to choose his area of study with guidance from us. We also knew that we wanted to ground him in strong values and the Christian faith. We place importance on being Christ-centred, having strong family relationships and traditions, having humility and integrity, and giving 100% in all that you do.

In his growing-up years, we were very conscious of building a community that helped us to foster those values in Justin, such as spiritual authority through church aunties and uncles, his Boys Brigade officers, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) leaders, in addition to us as parents and his grandparents. As the saying goes, it takes a village to bring up a child.



We had to adjust our parenting through the different stages of his life, and upon reflection, we are glad that we allowed him the opportunity to explore many experiences - tennis, ice hockey, basketball, robotics, art classes, Boys Brigade, and Scouts, to mention a few. We always had open conversations with him where we could talk about anything and there was no topic that was taboo, which helped to foster a close parent-child relationship.

We believe that because we were always supportive and encouraging, this allowed him to grow into a confident and mature young man. When looking locally for a university, Sunway University was a natural choice since it was our alma mater. His journey at Sunway has been all we had hoped for, providing him with the right opportunities to flourish and grow into his potential through a loving, caring, as well as challenging environment. 



We are so glad that we can share experiences of the same campus through a different time and lens. We are so proud of the person he is today, and pray that he will continue to grow and allow Jesus to guide his path, that he will hold true to the values we have instilled in him from a young age and that he will help make an impact on the world and fulfil God’s purpose for him.

"Dear Justin, know that whatever challenges you face in the future, we love you and will be here for you always." ~ Meng Keet and Jenn



Walking the hallways of Sunway College seems strangely familiar. Perhaps it is because this place holds a special place in my family history - my parents met right here during their time as students. Both of them are alumni of the American Degree Transfer Program.



Being the child of two Sunway Alumni, I was not surprised to find the values of integrity, humility, and excellence woven into my upbringing, instilling in me the importance of striving for excellence while maintaining a sense of honour and staying grounded. The unwavering support and guidance from my parents have been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today. I can remember them being beside me through every significant event in my life, cheering me on, and even being there for me when I failed. Their impact on my life has been profound and empowering, as they have supported me while also ensuring that I stay on the right path.

 While there is no single defining moment that could capture how my parents raised me, the countless conversations we had about responsible leadership and its impact on the world undoubtedly shaped my growth, both as a person and as a leader. One piece of advice that resonates deeply is to “always be open to opportunities, as life rarely turns out exactly how we planned”. This has proven true throughout my personal journey, where seemingly daunting challenges often revealed unexpected opportunities for growth. 



Coming to Sunway is accompanied by a unique blend of pride and some pressure to carry on the family legacy. My mother contributed to the Student Council during her student days as the secretary. Today, I too serve in the Student Council as an executive of the Student Relations Department. In retrospect, hearing their stories highlights not only their achievements but also Sunway’s remarkable transformation. Back then, a nearby petrol station was the peak of student entertainment and leisure. Today, our campus is livelier and has such a vibrant environment, providing a much different experience from their earlier days.

"Mom and Dad, thank you for your unwavering support in loving me for who I am. It is an honour and privilege to continue the family legacy here in Sunway. Your commitment to serving others is something I hope to emulate in my life too. Love y’all very much." ~ Justin