Transformative power of mentorship

Sunway Mentoring Programme 2023

We had the pleasure of hosting the Sunway Mentoring Programme launch on the 17th of June, marking the start of an exciting new chapter for the 2023 cohort. It is with great joy that we announce the participation of a remarkable record of 190 mentors and 190 mentees for this cohort!

The morning began with the registration process, and we were delighted to see a significant number of our esteemed alumni stepping up as first-time mentors. Additionally, many returning mentors chose to continue their service in this cohort, and we are immensely grateful to them for inspiring their fellow alumni to join this noble cause of imparting knowledge and guidance to our current students.

Following a briefing for our new mentors, guiding them on what to expect and how to navigate their mentoring journey, we gathered in the hall alongside our returning mentors and eagerly awaited the arrival of our distinguished guests of honour. Professor Sibrandes Poppema, the esteemed President of Sunway University, Professor Abhimanyu Veerakumarasivam, the esteemed Provost of Sunway University, Ms. Lee Siok Ping, the Director of Student LIFE, and our fellow colleagues from various schools and programmes graced us with their presence.

Professor Poppema delivered an inspiring opening remark, setting the tone for the launch. We then took a moment to honour four of our longstanding mentors: Lia Kim Foong, Ooi Ghee Chien, Chua Yong Chin, and Wong Yat Seng. We expressed our heartfelt gratitude for their unwavering commitment and dedication in guiding our students academically and in life.

To shed light on the transformative power of mentorship, we were privileged to have two participants share their personal testimonies. Zohrab Chong, an alumnus from the early days of Sunway College, emphasised the profound impact mentorship had on his life. Inspired by his mentors, he now aspires to pay it forward by mentoring others. Joshua Ahimaz, a current Masters student at Sunway University, returned for the second time as a mentee, sharing the immense benefits he gained from being mentored. So powerful was the experience that he felt compelled to return for more.

We concluded the launch with an inspiring speech from Ms. Lee, who passionately encouraged our alumni to embody the values of giving through the 3Ts: Time, Talent, and Treasure. The event transitioned into a group mentoring session over lunch, creating an atmosphere conducive to mingling and fostering connections. Mentors and mentees had the opportunity to interact, forming the foundation for what we hope will be not only a fruitful mentorship journey but also the beginning of lifelong friendships.

As our mentors and mentees embark on this journey of mentorship, we hope they are filled with motivation and encouragement. May this programme be a catalyst for personal growth and meaningful connections. 

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